You can probably surmise that a transmission shop focusses its energies on repairing and maintaining transmissions. But what does that really mean? What does transmission service entail? Just what services do transmission shops provide?
You may well be wondering why the owner of a vehicle would require a transmission shop at all. Why not just a general auto shop? A shop that can (or so it claims) repair or service any and all components of a vehicle. Well, the reason for that has to do with the transmission itself.
The transmission is one of the most complex and intricate components of your vehicle. For starters, it is not merely one part. The transmission consists of many different parts that all must work in tandem to ensure that your transmission –and your vehicle– works properly. Without a transmission, you can’t shift gears, and if you can’t shift gears, you can’t really go anywhere. So the transmission is as important as it is complex.
This is not the type of sophisticated machinery that you want to trust to somebody who is mostly adept at changing tires or repairing mufflers. You want a technician who has studied the transmission specifically and focusses their expertise on that. Furthermore, you want a shop with all the special equipment needed to assess, maintain, and repair transmissions. Many general auto body shops do not have this specialty equipment.
A good transmission shop will be able to both maintain working transmissions and repair malfunctioning ones. As we all know, prevention is better than a cure. So you need to bring your vehicle into the transmission shop regularly for routine maintenance. Otherwise, you’re tempting fate.
The most frequently required maintenance service for a transmission has to do with the topping up and changing of transmission fluid. Without a sufficient amount or a sufficient quality of transmission fluid, your transmission will not operate properly and can start to degrade. A transmission shop can easily check your vehicle’s fluid levels and then top it up if necessary. Transmission shops can also flush the fluid out of your transmission if they have cause to believe it is too used or damaged. They will then replace the fluid.
The first step in transmission repair is also part of routine maintenance. A diagnostic check Before any part of your transmission can be repaired, the technicians need to know what (if anything) is not working properly. The diagnostic check does this.
At Mister Transmission, we perform a multi check inspection. If multi check inspection reveals that any part of your transmission is not functioning properly, we can then go ahead and replace the damaged or problematic part. Many parts of the transmission are accessible while the transmission is still in the car. However, some parts are inaccessible. If one of these parts is suspected as being the problem, or the problem still is not clear, we will have to remove the transmission from the chassis. This is the kind of involved, big job for which you want a transmission shop, not just any auto shop.
If you have any questions about what services we can provide, please do not hesitate to contact our transmission shop today.
The evolution of transmissions has made these machines and systems increasingly complex. When transmission repairs are required, determining the cause and cure for what ails can be tricky.
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