In today’s market, transmission repair is offered by multiple automotive companies, as just one of many on a long list of services. Mister Transmission is the exception. Our competitive advantage comes form the fact that we’ve focused our efforts on a core component of the automotive aftermarket: transmission systems. Transmissions are not serviceable by just anyone. This makes Mister Transmission a great franchise opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs, because while everybody else is crowding the general repair business, we remain very specialized.
In the late 50’s in North America there was no traditional aftermarket for transmission repair like we know it today. In fact, if the dealership industry had done their job from the start, there would not be an aftermarket. But they failed to satisfy the basic customer need of quick response to the customers concerns at prices people could afford because they were more focused on selling cars. Up until the 1960’s you could only take the car back to the dealer for problems, there was no one specializing in transmissions. In 1963, that changed!
The need back in the early 60’s was that customers had no choice. Up until then, customers were forced to take their transmission troubles to the dealerships. Besides, transmissions were a mystery to most mechanics, as they were cumbersome and hard to install. Mister Transmission offered a strong choice for consumers. When people discovered that it was fast, friendly and less expensive to take their transmission problems to a specialized technician- the business model became a home run. This model hasn’t changed over the years.
We are consistent. We have stayed true to the specialized model. We don’t deviate from what we do. This translates into our customers knowing and trusting the brand, resulting in people consistently coming to us to address their transmission repair issues.
We have the training, the technology and the tools to help you get started in your business. Contact our head office today and get started on your new journey to business success!
The evolution of transmissions has made these machines and systems increasingly complex. When transmission repairs are required, determining the cause and cure for what ails can be tricky.
Read MoreAt Mister Transmission we have access to leading-edge diagnostic equipment, enabling us to offer you the fastest and most accurate findings about what’s going on inside your vehicle’s transmission.
Read MoreJust as you have other parts of your car serviced, your transmission needs maintenance to ensure a long life and avoid transmission problems.
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