Transmissions are complex pieces of machinery and there’s a lot that can go wrong with them. Here are three of the most common types of transmission repairs.
If you’re topping up your transmission fluid every month or if you notice puddles of fluid underneath your vehicle, you likely need a re-seal repair. This can be a simple or difficult repair depending on the circumstances. If the leak is easily identifiable with the transmission sitting in the chassis, then a re-seal job is relatively easy and inexpensive. On the other hand, if the leak is difficult to find, or if the entire transmission needs to be re-sealed, then it has to be removed from the vehicle. This makes it a much trickier and more expensive repair.
Your transmission is comprised of different components that work together. Sometimes these individual components need to be replaced. Friction surfaces, such as bands and clutch plates, typically need to be replaced more than other parts. Torque converters are also a common problem part. As with re-seal jobs, if a part is accessible with the transmission sitting in the chassis, then it’s a relatively minor procedure.
Some parts are inaccessible, however. They require the removal of the transmission from the car, which makes the repair more time consuming and expensive. A less common transmission repair is a complete transmission overhaul. This is required when the entire transmission is shot or when the problem part cannot be identified.
It may not be what you’d traditionally categorize as a repair, but topping up, changing out transmission fluid can all fix transmission problems. Transmission fluid is used in all automatic transmissions and in some manual transmissions (other manual transmissions use something called “transmission oil”). If you don’t have enough transmission fluid, this can cause a number of problems.
If your transmission fluid levels are low, top them up. You should also check the quality of your fluid. Transmission fluid should be mostly clear and neutral smelling. Opaque or foul-smelling transmission fluid often means there’s something wrong within your transmission. You should check your fluid monthly. At Mister Transmission, we offer a free multi-check inspection.
At Mister Transmission, we offer all the transmission services mentioned in this article and more. To learn more about transmission repairs, please get in touch with us. You can find a list of Mister Transmission locations here. Please also note that we have a comprehensive COVID-19 policy to keep everybody safe.
The evolution of transmissions has made these machines and systems increasingly complex. When transmission repairs are required, determining the cause and cure for what ails can be tricky.
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