Written Reviews

These guys are absolutely amazing. They helped me from beginning to end. Even though I am a DIY guy they helped and assisted me. After I was out of ideas I brought my part in to have it inspected. They called before every cent needed to be spent to get approval, I felt assured they were trying to help me get back running as cheap as I could. My inspection turned out just fine so I reassembled my truck and brought it down. Did I say that they will go for a road test and minor inspection for free! Bruce and I went for a rip, brought my truck back to the shop, and put it on a lift to inspect it!! at no cost !! and Bruce found the problem fast. He called around and found the parts fast found the cheapest prices and gave me some choices and advice no pressure at all. These guys went above and beyond!! to make a few bucks on some parts. I only wish I would have came to them first, these guys are professional, courteous, honestly its like going to your dads shop. Special thanks to Bruce and Tim, thank the boys in the back and ill be personally calling and thanking you!!

9 Ans Ago

These guys are absolutely amazing. They helped me from beginning to end. Even though I am a DIY guy they helped and assisted me. After I was out of ideas I brought my part in to have it inspected. They called before every cent needed to be spent to get approval, I felt assured they were trying to help me get back running as cheap as I could. My inspection turned out just fine so I reassembled my truck and brought it down. Did I say that they will go for a road test and minor inspection for free! Bruce and I went for a rip, brought my truck back to the shop, and put it on a lift to inspect it!! at no cost !! and Bruce found the problem fast. He called around and found the parts fast found the cheapest prices and gave me some choices and advice no pressure at all. These guys went above and beyond!! to make a few bucks on some parts. I only wish I would have came to them first, these guys are professional, courteous, honestly its like going to your dads shop. Special thanks to Bruce and Tim, thank the boys in the back and ill be personally calling and thanking you!!

9 Ans Ago

9 Ans Ago

9 Ans Ago

9 Ans Ago

Video Reviews

Services En Vedette
Réparation de transmission

L’évolution des transmissions a rendu ces machines de plus en plus complexes. Celles-ci sont même désormais dotées de composants informatisés.

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Diagnostic technologique

Chez Monsieur Transmission, nous avons accès à des équipements diagnostiques de pointe, ce qui nous permet de vous fournir rapidement des réponses exactes sur le fonctionnement de la transmission de votre véhicule.

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Révision et entretien de la transmission

Tout comme d’autres pièces de votre voiture, votre transmission a besoin d’entretien pour lui assurer une longue vie et éviter les problèmes potentiels.

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Transmissions haute performance

Éprouvez-vous des problèmes avec la transmission de votre «muscle car», votre voiture personnalisée ou encore votre véhicule de course?

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Mister Transmission Blogs
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